Young’s List barrister, Nick Modrzewski, has published a book of legal fiction titled “The Knees and Ankles of a Landlord”.
The faux legal textbook plays with the histories of property law and the partly real, partly imagined rituals of land transfer.
“It often takes years to witness a tenant ‘become’ a Landlord – to ‘fill the knees’, as the common phrase goes. Put in all the ingredients: the mortgages and other debts, the tenancy agreements and the rights of entry, the land tax and all those minerals, soil, rocks, grass, sand and hills. Once the knees are “filled” and the ankles “topped up”, a body that was once “tenanted” is invested with a new status in the social hierarchy. The body elevates. The body grows. A Landlord is born.”
The book is available for purchase from Perimeter Books in Thornbury, or alternatively from Nick’s website.
To brief Nick, or for further information about briefing Young’s List, please call Tammy Young on +61 3 9225 6777 or after hours on +61 (0) 414 523 515.