Young’s List barrister, Nick Modrzewski, has published a piece of critical legal fiction in Art and Australia and in the Monash University Museum of Art publication, Tree Story.
The piece, Quaking Aspen is Inviting You to Join a Meeting, plays with recent developments in legal personhood. It imagines a Zoom meeting between a council of trees, who are worried about the ramifications of rivers becoming “legal persons”. These days, we see “natural” persons emerging everywhere: a river in Aotearoa; animals in India; the entirety of “nature” within the Ecuadorian Constitution. And the trees are not happy about it. Things are getting out of control. What good is “personhood” when everyone has it?
You can read Nick’s piece in Issue 8 ‘Multinaturalism’ of Art and Australia online or pick up a hard copy. Tree Story is available to purchase from the Monash University Museum of Art website.
To brief Nick, or for further information about briefing Young’s List, please call Tammy Young on +61 3 9225 6777 or after hours on +61 (0) 414 523 515.