Anna O’Callaghan

- Commercial Law
- Competition
- Equity
- Fraud, Injunctive Relief & Asset Recovery
- Inquests & Inquiries
- Professional Negligence
- Public Law
- Sports, Gaming & Licensing
Anna maintains a broad practice in commercial and public law. She also has a particular interest in matters where civil jurisdictions intersect with criminal law.
Anna has advised and appeared, led and unled, on behalf of both private and government clients in matters in State and Federal Courts and tribunals.
Some of Anna’s recent matters concern:
- Contractual disputes
- Consumer and trade practices law
- Property disputes
- Insolvency & Bankruptcy
- Equity and trusts
- Corporations law
- Various civil interlocutory applications
- Appellate and judicial review
- Human Rights
- Public interest immunity
- IBAC proceedings
Prior to coming to the Bar, Anna was the Senior Associate to His Honour Judge Cosgrave, Head of the Commercial Division at the County Court of Victoria. Before this, she was a solicitor at Mills Oakley Lawyers in their Commercial Disputes & Insolvency group.
Anna studied at Monash University where she received degrees in Law (first class honours) and Arts (French Studies).
Anna read with Zoe Maud SC and her senior mentor was the Honourable Justice Claire Harris KC.
Anna is a sessional tutor in Trusts Law at Monash University and is an author for the Lexis Nexis looseleaf Court Forms, Precedents and Pleadings Victoria.
Anna is actively involved in providing pro bono assistance to the community and is a member of the Victorian Bar Pro Bono Committee.
Since 2023 Anna has been an Assistant Honorary Secretary of the Commercial Bar Association (CommBar) and a member CommBar’s Competition & Consumer Law Section.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation. The information referred to above has been supplied by the barrister concerned. Neither Victorian Bar Inc nor the barrister's clerk have independently verified the accuracy or completeness of the information and neither accepts any responsibility in that regard.
- Commercial Law
- Appellate
- Banking & Finance
- Building & Construction
- Contractual Disputes
- Corporate Insolvency
- Corporations & Securities
- Real Property
- Competition
- Equity
- Fraud, Injunctive Relief & Asset Recovery
- Confiscation of Assets
- Fraud
- Proceeds of Crime
- White Collar & Corporate Crime
- Inquests & Inquiries
- Commissions of Inquiry
- Coronial Inquests
- Disciplinary Tribunals
- Professional Negligence
- Public Law
- Appellate
- Civil Liberties
- Constitutional Law
- Extradition
- Freedom of Information
- Health & Medical
- Human Rights Law
- Immigration
- Information Privacy
- Judicial Review and Administrative law
- Merits Review
- Military Law
- Sports, Gaming & Licensing
- Contracts
- Sports Law
- Signed Victorian Bar Roll:
- 25 October 2018
BA, LLB (Hons) (Mon)
TEL: +61 3 9225 8375
FAX 03 9225 6355
Email: anna.o’[email protected]
Clerk phone: +61 3 9225 6777
Clerk email: [email protected]
Chambers: 1608
Castan Chambers
460 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne 3000