Andrew Blunt

- Arbitrators & Mediators
- Class Actions
- Commercial Law
- Competition
- Equity
- Fraud, Injunctive Relief & Asset Recovery
- Inquests & Inquiries
- Insurance & Reinsurance
- Media, Entertainment & Broadcast
- Professional Negligence
- Public Law
- Sports, Gaming & Licensing
Andrew practices nationally in building and construction law, corporate and commercial law, equity, defamation, major torts, and white-collar crime.
Andrew is listed in Doyle’s Guide for Construction Law, Victoria, 2023.
Before coming to the Bar, Andrew practised in the Projects & Construction Group at Maddocks. In that role, he acted for State and Commonwealth departments, and tier-1 contractors and consultants in various disputes arising out of major renewable energy, road, gas, utility, waste, IT, and manufacturing projects across Australia and internationally.
Andrew started his legal career in the Litigation team at Australian Government Solicitor where he acted for the Commonwealth across a broad range of regulatory, commercial, tax, and public and administrative law matters.
Andrew has a Master of Laws from the University of Melbourne. He also holds a Bachelor of Laws (Hons).
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation. The information referred to above has been supplied by the barrister concerned. Neither Victorian Bar Inc nor the barrister's clerk have independently verified the accuracy or completeness of the information and neither accepts any responsibility in that regard.
- Arbitrators & Mediators
- Arbitration
- Expert Determination
- International Arbitration
- Class Actions
- Commercial Law
- Appellate
- Bankruptcy
- Building & Construction
- Contractual Disputes
- Corporate Insolvency
- Corporations & Securities
- Energy & Resources
- Real Property
- Competition
- Equity
- Fraud, Injunctive Relief & Asset Recovery
- Fraud
- Proceeds of Crime
- White Collar & Corporate Crime
- Inquests & Inquiries
- Insurance & Reinsurance
- Media, Entertainment & Broadcast
- Defamation
- Professional Negligence
- Public Law
- Constitutional Law
- Freedom of Information
- Immigration
- Judicial Review and Administrative law
- Merits Review
- Sports, Gaming & Licensing
- Contracts
- Signed Victorian Bar Roll
- 21 October 2021
- Admitted
- 18 August 2010
- Qualifications
- LLM; LLB (Hons)
MOB: +61 407 823 171
Email: [email protected]
Clerk phone: +61 3 9225 6777
Clerk email: [email protected]
Chambers: 1407
Aickin Chambers
200 Queen Street
Melbourne 3000