Young’s List barrister, Dr Michelle Sharpe, together with Wendy Peter (General Counsel, Legal and Economic, ACCC) and Andrea Mapp (Senior Advocate, Legal Services Branch, Consumer Affairs Victoria), to present “Statutory unconscionable conduct – now and into the future”, as part of the LIV webinar “Competition and Consumer Law, Updates and Insights from 2020”.
The session will discuss whether unconscionable conduct claims are accessible enough, and if there should be more focus on the wording in the statute. In this highly interactive and practical session, the expert panel will discuss and debate these, and many other questions, relating to the complex area of unconscionable conduct to help better understand this area and ultimately achieve better outcomes for your clients.
Dr Michelle Sharpe is the author of Unconscionable Conduct in Australia Commercial and Consumer Law, published by LexisNexis in 2018.
To brief Michelle, or for further information about briefing Young’s List, please call Tammy Young on +61 3 9225 6777 or after hours on +61 (0) 414 523 515.