Nicholas Floreani KC

- Arbitrators & Mediators
- Commercial Law
- Inquests & Inquiries
- Insurance & Reinsurance
- Professional Negligence
- Public Law
Nick Floreani KC is a leading commercial silk specialising in construction and professional indemnity disputes.
As well as having significant experience in litigation in all State and Territory superior Courts, including at intermediate level, Nick has developed an expertise in all forms of alternative dispute resolution.
Nick acts for major construction, development and mining related companies in a wide range of matters in all State and Territory superior courts, including at intermediate level and in ADR processes, arbitration, adjudication, expert determinations, and mediations.
He regularly appears unled before Australian Defence Force Disciplinary Tribunals (Court Martials and Defence Force Magistrates) in his role as a Squadron Leader (Reserve Legal Officer) in the Royal Australian Air Force. In 2020, Nick acted on behalf of a Defence Member in the Inspector-General ADF Afghanistan Inquiry into the conduct of Australia’s Special Operations Task Group in Afghanistan between 2005 and 2016.
He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and the Australian Centre for International Arbitration (ACICA) and sits on several panels including Singapore International Mediation Institute, ACICA, Resolution Institute, Asian International Arbitration Centre, Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, Bali International Arbitration and Mediation Centre and Essential Services Commission of South Australia.
Nick has been recognised in Doyle’s Guide as a leading construction dispute resolution, commercial litigation and arbitration barrister and mediator.
He is available to accept briefs in litigation in all courts and ADR processes. He is also available to act as arbitrator, mediator or expert determiner in construction related disputes.
Click here to view Nick’s Curriculum Vitae.
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Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation. The information referred to above has been supplied by the barrister concerned. Neither Victorian Bar Inc nor the barrister's clerk have independently verified the accuracy or completeness of the information and neither accepts any responsibility in that regard.
- Arbitrators & Mediators
- Arbitration
- International Arbitration
- Mediation
- Commercial Law
- Bankruptcy
- Building & Construction
- Corporate Insolvency
- International Law
- Inquests & Inquiries
- Commissions of Inquiry
- Coronial Inquests
- Disciplinary Tribunals
- Insurance & Reinsurance
- Professional Indemnity
- Professional Negligence
- Public Law
- Military Law
- Signed Victorian Bar Roll:
- 01 August 2020
- Appointed Silk:
- 08 September 2022
- Qualifications
- B.Com
Dip. International Commercial Arbitration
Cert. Mediation and Conciliation
Professional Certificate in Arbitration
Grad. Dip. In Military Law
PH (08) 8210 6513
MOB: +61 3 403 059 549
Email: [email protected]
Clerk phone: +61 3 9225 6777
Clerk email: [email protected]