Justin Castelan
- Arbitrators & Mediators
- Commercial Law
- Competition
- Equity
- Insurance & Reinsurance
- Intellectual Property
- Media, Entertainment & Broadcast
- Professional Negligence
Justin has more than 20 years’ experience at the Bar and is considered a leading expert in defamation law. Justin also has significant expertise in intellectual property, economic torts and general commercial disputes.
Notably, Justin has appeared in:
- many of the recent defamation trials and appeals throughout Australia that relate to social media and the new serious harm requirement. Among those matters, he has appeared in the High Court in Google LLC v Defteros; the Full Federal Court in Selkirk v Wyatt; and the Court of Appeal of the ACT in Supaphien v Tchaiyabarn, the first appeal Court to consider the serious harm element.
- many negligence and insurance claims: particularly having acted for Powercor and CitiPower for more than a decade and also having appeared for a range of other insurers throughout Australia;
- intellectual property law matters in the Federal Court at trial and appellate level, including the significant Full Federal Court case of Halal Certification Authority Pty Ltd v Flujo Sanguineo Pty Ltd & Ors; and
- general commercial matters, having appeared in a vast range of disputes throughout Australia relating to contracts, equity and trade practices.
Justin is presently the Deputy Chair of the Media Law Section of the Commercial Bar of Victoria.
To view a detailed curriculum vitae please click here.
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- Arbitrators & Mediators
- International Arbitration
- Commercial Law
- Contractual Disputes
- Corporations & Securities
- Real Property
- Competition
- Consumer Protections
- Restraint of Trade
- Equity
- Property
- Insurance & Reinsurance
- Professional Indemnity
- Intellectual Property
- Media, Entertainment & Broadcast
- Defamation
- Information Technology
- Professional Negligence
- Signed Victorian Bar Roll:
- 25 May 2000
MOB: +61 402 890 699
FAX 9640 3100
Email: [email protected]
Clerk phone: +61 3 9225 6777
Clerk email: [email protected]
Chambers: 1614
Castan Chambers
460 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne 3000