Christine Melis

- Fraud, Injunctive Relief & Asset Recovery
- Inquests & Inquiries
- Public Law
Christine practices in public law with a specialisation in inquests and commissions of inquiry. She appears in both Federal and State Courts, led and unled, as well as a variety of Tribunals.
Christine is presently Counsel Assisting in the Special Commission of Inquiry into LGBTIQ hate crimes in NSW.
Christine has appeared in a number of large matters including the Lindt Cafe Siege Inquest on behalf of the NSW Police Force and the Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission on behalf of the State of Victoria. She appeared on behalf of the Commissioner of Police in the first matter under the Crimes (Serious Crime Prevention Orders) Act 2016 (NSW) and has appeared on a number of occasions before the Supreme Court of Nauru in appeals against decisions of the Refugee Status Review Tribunal. She has considerable experience working in the terrorism space, particularly under the Terrorism (High Risk Offenders) Act and in relation to terrorism related offenders before the State Parole Authority (NSW). In 2019, she assisted in the Review and Report into the functions and operations of the Employee Performance and Conduct Directorate within the New South Wales Department of Education.
Prior to coming to the Bar Christine was the associate to Justice Cavanough in the Supreme Court of Victoria and prior to that, a solicitor with Minter Ellison Lawyers in the firm’s administrative and employment law group.
She is a trained Advocacy Instructor with the Australian Advocacy Institute and has been a Sessional Lecturer in Trial Practice and Advocacy in the Faculty of Law at Monash University. She has taught advocacy in Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu. She led the inaugural Empowering Women in the Law in PNG program in July 2015.
Christine is a LLB (Hons)/BA (Major in Politics) graduate of Monash University (2003).
She teaches advocacy at professional workshops and has taught in the Victorian Bar and NSW Bar Readers Course. She participated in the ABA Advanced Trial Advocacy Course in January 2014.
She was Vice President of Australian Women Lawyers between August 2011 and August 2012. She was the Convenor of Victorian Women Lawyers Inc. between November 2007 and November 2008 and also a nominee of the Women Lawyers Achievement Awards Victoria in 2012. In 2012 she participated in the ANZPAA NIFS expert evidence workshop.
Click here to view Christine’s CV.
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- Fraud, Injunctive Relief & Asset Recovery
- White Collar & Corporate Crime
- Inquests & Inquiries
- Commissions of Inquiry
- Coronial Inquests
- Disciplinary Tribunals
- Public Law
- Appellate
- Civil Liberties
- Constitutional Law
- Health & Medical
- Human Rights Law
- Immigration
- Judicial Review and Administrative law
- Merits Review
Admitted to the Legal Profession:
26 Apr 2005
Signed Victorian Bar Roll:
20 Nov 2008
Advanced Accredited Mediator
01 Jan 1970
LLB (Hons), BA
Email: [email protected]
Clerk phone: +61 3 9225 6777
Clerk email: [email protected]